Robert Berghorn is the leading endurance athlete expert in Long Island, New York, and the founder of Ascent Physical Therapy. But who is Robert, and what makes him different from other doctors who’ve told you to take painkillers and rest?

Who Is Robert Berghorn Jr, And Why Does Everyone Want To See Them?

My name is Robert Berghorn and I am the leading endurance athlete specialist in Long Island, New York. I am the proud founder of Ascent Physical Therapy.

I understand how important it is for you to be able to play sports and achieve your career goals.

When sport is a huge part of your life, it’s really saddening and frustrating when your injury stops you from doing what you love.

At Ascent Physical Therapy, we specialize in helping athletes like you get the right treatment, so they can get back to training, competitions, and championships without the fear of getting another injury.

We also educate you on what you can do to prevent future injuries as well as provide you with performance enhancement strategies to keep you in the best shape ready for the games, running competitions, or any other sports that you do.

What Is Robert Berghorn Jr’s Life Like Away From Being Long Island’s Leading Endurance Athlete Expert

Apart from being Long Island’s leading endurance athlete expert, I enjoy playing various sports in my free time.

I started my sports journey when I was in high school, and then continued my sports endeavors through to college.

Overall, I’ve been an athlete for over two decades, and I used to be a professional runner, increasing my running distances every year.

As an athlete myself, I understand how important it is to you to be able to do what you love and enjoy your favorite sports.

When sport is a big part of your life, it can be very depressing when that’s taken away from you by an injury that stops you from doing all the things that you used to do before.

This is why I help athletes in my local area to recover from injuries fast and without any painkillers, injections, or surgery that the doctors might have recommended to you.

Robert Berghorn Jr’s Elite Level Experience Treating Sports Injuries And Enhancing Endurance Athletes Performance

After being heavily involved in sports since my high school times, I developed a passion for learning more about sports injuries and how our body works.

I earned my degree in Physical Therapy and decided to open my own clinic after working in a corporate and insurance-based environment where I’ve seen how people are mistreated and rushed out the door with bad advice that only keeps them in more pain.

Apart from being a doctor of physical therapy, I am have a certification for Olympic weight lifting.

As an athlete, I obtained some injuries myself, so I know how that can affect your life and stop you from doing the things you love.

This is why I want to help you get better and enhance your performance, so you can give 100% of your effort and commitment to the sport.

Can Robert Berghorn Jr Help You With Your Sports Injury Or Performance Enhancement?

For over a decade, I’ve been working with many different people from casual runners who want to improve their condition to elite level athletes.

I’ve treated people coming to me to prepare for or recover from world championships and international competitions.

I’ve also helped dads, and granddads to stay active and healthy to be able to keep up with the kids and enjoy outdoor activities like morning jogging.

Usually, people come to me as they want to be healthy, and fit, and get their injuries looked at by a professional to find the right solutions and stay away from further injuries.

My average patient wants to do sports for fun and social purposes or to blow off some steam and relax by doing sports after a long and stressful week.

So, whether you’re a professional athlete looking for performance enhancement or an average sports enthusiast who wants to know how to stay healthy and away from injuries, I can help you achieve your goals.

Why Does Robert Berghorn Jr Specialize In Endurance Athletes?

When it comes to sports, I am really passionate about different sports, I enjoy doing sports as well as watching. I follow all the championships and keep up to date with what’s happening in the sports world.

It’s my personal and professional passion and aim to be able to help you achieve your goals and keep you thriving in your sports career and journey.

As an athlete myself with over two decades of experience in sports, I understand the importance of being able to keep active and doing what you love the most.

We all need hobbies and interests in our life, so if you aren’t able to do your favorite activities to blow off some steam after work or on the weekend, I know it can be upsetting and make you feel like there’s nothing to look forward to.

This is why I want to help people from my local community to recover from their injuries and be able to do sports that keep them happy.

What Makes Robert Berghorn Jr Different?

Many people want to work with me and my team because regardless of your goal, you can get access to elite-level treatments that have helped some of our patients compete at world championships and international competitions.

Apart from that, our approach is different to other physical therapies you might have tried before.

I always give you my undivided attention and take the time to listen to your problem and understand your story, so I can help you in the best way I can by providing you with an individualized treatment plan you won’t find elsewhere.

Being an athlete myself, I have thorough knowledge and understanding of what’s causing your injuries and how I can help you eliminate some of the mistakes you might have been making to keep you safe and away from injuries.

I’ve achieved results with all the patients who came to me, whether that’s for performance enhancement or injury prevention and recovery. Our results and reputation are the best in Long Island, and my unique approach makes me the leading endurance athlete expert in Long Island, NY.

Speak To The Leading Endurance Athlete Expert In Long Island NY For Free

I know you might be nervous, and unsure whether physical therapy is right for you. That’s why I offer two FREE ways to speak to me, and my expert team in our Long Island NY clinic. Whether you prefer to speak to us over the telephone, or want to come into our clinic, you can get answers to your questions, get personalized advice, and learn about the safe, proven and natural ways we can treat your sports injury and enhance your performance fast!

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